Company registration in Poland, company formation in Poland, company incorporation in Poland
Do you want to start a company in Poland?
You do not know how to do it?
Registering a company in Poland is very simple, provided you know how to do it.
We deal with the registration of companies in Poland.
Our company has many years of experience in creating companies in Poland.
We operating on the market since 2002. We have created over 120 companies in Poland for our clients.
The most often established companies they are limited liability companies, joint-stock companies and other companies.
We propose the establishment of the company in Poland without leaving home.
You can settle all matters with us via email.
From experience, we know how many formalities must fullfill the future entrepreneur to register your company.
Hence, in order to facilitate his entry into the market, we deal with every issue related to the establishment of the company also completing of cases in the offices of state.
This solution will not only save valuable time but also allows you to bypass unwanted trouble.
Using our services you start faster your adventure with a business, because we make registration quickly and efficiently.
For company registration in Poland please contact us.
Investing in Poland
ul. Sławka 5
40-844 Katowice
Phone +48 795 600 197
Our service includes the preparation the articles of association, and other documents required for starting a company in Poland, such as specimen signatures, reigstration forms and official documents.
Some notarial procedures are also required to set up a company in Poland.
Polish address of the company is also required. For companies registered in Poland, accounting services in Poland is also required.
Formation and company registration in Poland
Foreigners usually assume in Poland a limited liability company (spółka z o.o./sp.z o.o./ LLC).
The reason for such a high popularity of this company is primarily its construction.
As the name suggests, it allows you to limit the liability of shareholders for the company's obligations to the amount share capital.
Personal assets of shareholders remain safe in the event of insolvency of the company.
To establish this type of company can encourage minimum share capital in the amount of 5,000 PLN and any purpose of the business.
But before you can start the activities of the company, you have to complete certain formalities relating to the establishment of the company in Poland.
You are interested? Just literally one e-mail, and you can use our help.
Our aim is to help the fast-start your investment in Poland.
Many people want to start a business in Poland and dreams are there to meet them.
The registration process is sometimes time-consuming and requires the fulfillment of a number of applications.
Hence also better to entrust this task to specialists.
Willingly that we will do for you.
Our strengths are primarily long-term experience, high quality of services, complexity, competitive prices, as well as the ability to cooperate.
Our services has already benefited many people.
They are satisfied with their choice, so you can also join their group. We encourage you to cooperate with us!
In addition to the establishment of companies also provide other services related to the activities of companies: company transformation, the division of companies, companies fusion, liquidation of companies.
How to start investing in Poland
Company registration in Poland is the beginning of your investment in Poland.
Foreigners are very active in Poland.
The investment process begins with the registration of the company in Poland.
Why invest in Poland?
Poland is a stable country with great possibilities, which is very attractive for investors.
Poland is one of the most attractive locations for foreign investment.
International reports highlight the economic and political stability Polish.
Poland has many advantages, in favor of investments here.
Personally, we recommend investing in real estate in Poland.
Real estate market is more stable and offers respectively high return on investment.
We invite you to contact us.
Our specialists will explain to you, what is our business activities.
Our specialists will present the details of our offer and answer any questions.